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ColorCYC 180 - NAN Audiovisuais

ColorCYC 180

ColorCYC 180 is an innovative IP65 CYC, with full spectrum color LEDs optic, superb even color mixing, and it comes with CCS3.0 intelligent color consistency system, bulit-in 1800K-10000K high CRI CCT and 48 special selected colors. The ColorCYC 180 is an all-purpose CYC fixture for both indoor fixture installation and outdoor touring application.

  • Light source: RGBALC
    Angle: 70º
    CRI Ra: 95
    CRI R9: 50
    TLCL: 80
    CQS: 90
    Size: 530x170x126mm
    Weight: 6kg
    Casing: Die-cast Aluminum
    Voltage: AC100-240V
    Power: 160W
    Power Connection: Power in/out
    DMX XLR: DMX in/out
    Dimmer: 16Bit
    Cooling: Direct convection
    Protocol: RDM/DMX
    Display: On board control, custom mode, 0-25Hz Strobe
    Personality: BASIC(3CH), SSP(8CH), TOUR(13CH), TR16(20CH), HSIC(7CH), CMY(10CH)
    Ambient Temp: -20ºC-45ºC
    IP Rated: IP65
    CE Certification